This course provides all the necessary foundation in Java programming language to create and maintain a Web site. Attendees will study the sciences of Object-Oriented programming with extensive hand-on examples.
Course Audience
A working knowledge of Windows 95, HTML and some programming experience in C or Pascal.
Course Contents
Getting Started
- Introducing Java Development Kit using javac.exe, and java.exe.
- Class loading, standard classes, extension classes, and Classpath
- Java Applications and Java Archive Runtime (JAR)
- Introduction to Program Development using ANT, JUnit and Log4j.
Object-Oriented Programming in Java
- Object-oriented paradigm V.S. Imperative paradigm
- Class, Instances, Data members and Method Members and Constructors
- Scope rules, Symbol Tables, Lifetime of instances and Environments.
- Modifiers, Visibility Scope Rules, Packages.
- Shadowing, Overriding, Dynamic Binding, Inheritance and Polymorphism.
- Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Inner Classes, and Anonymous Classes.
Exception Handling
- Exception and Interrupt
- Throwable, Error, and Exception Class,
- Catching Scope of try and catch statement, and finally statement.
- Throwing Exceptions, and User Defined Exception
- Thread Class , Runnable Interface
- Thread Properties, Priorities, and Lifetime of Threads
- Sleep(), suspend(), resume(), wait(), join(), stop(), yield()
- Daemon Threads, and ThreadGroup
- Mutually Exclusive, Synchronization, and Dead Lock
- Using interrupt() for stop(), using wait() and notify() for suspend() and resume()
- Byte Streams, and Character Streams
- Input/Output Streams, and Reader/Writer Streams
- Filter Input/Output Stream Data Input/Output, Print. Buffered, CharArray, String, Piped, LineNumber, Pushback Streams
- File, FileStream, Random Access Files, and Zip Streams
- Object Streams, and Persistent
- Serializable Interface
- Transient Members
- Class ID and Object versioning
- Locale Class
- MessagesBundle, ResourceBundle, and ListResourceBundle
- NumberFormat, Percentages, Currency, Decimal, Date, and Time
- Message, Text, Collation, Non-unicode Text
- Applet Life Cycle. and Event-Driven Programming
- HTML Applet TAG, Codebase and AppletClassLoader
- Applet Container: Applet Context, Applet Stub and SecurityManager
GUI (AWT and Swing Set)
- Component, Container, Window, Frame, Dialog, and Applet.
- Adding Components in a Container and Layout Management
- Jcomponent Class and Lightweight Components
- Top-level Components: JFrame, Japplet, JWindow, and JDialog
- Look-and-Feel, Model-View-Controller Architecture, Non-Opaque Components, Action, and Box
Event Handling
- Old Event Model and Delegation Event Model.
- Low level Event and Semantics Event.
- Delegation Event Model: Event Classes, Listener, and Adapters
- processEvent(), dispatchEvent(), Modify and Consuming Events.
- User Define Events
Course Benefits
In order to create stable and reliable information system, an organization, especially one that deals with E-Commerce, needs to carefully consider a programming language that is practical and flexible for further development in the long run. Java programming language has shown that it is a very useful programming language and can be applied to create the entire software system for a large-scale organization.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
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